Floss Tooth Fairy Visits
Would your Kindergarten, Day Care Centre or School like a visit from Floss the Tooth Fairy?
Promote Oral Health
Our visits help to promote great oral health including:
What to expect when you visit the dentist
How to care for your teeth
Happy, healthy smiles for life!
Please email enquires to smile@oakeyfamilydental.com.au
Your Childs First Visit
When is the best time for a child’s first dental visit? As early as possible!
We encourage and welcome children to come into the surgery with their parents to go for a ride in the dental chair. We aim to make their visits as pleasant as possible.
Is your child eligible for the CDBS? $1000 of dental benefit for eligible children.
We strive to make your child’s first dental visit a positive one!
Through their early developmental years, your child’s mouth goes through a lot of change. It is important to visit us every 6 months from 2 years of age on wards to promote good dental health habits, education and preventative measures.
Your child’s first visit to the dentist will shape their view of dental treatment for the rest of their life. We strive to make their first dental experience enjoyable and fun.