Before Whitening Your Teeth


Thinking of Whitening your teeth? Here’s what you need to know…

A complete pre-whitening check up is essential to diagnose the exact cause of teeth discoloration before any teeth whitening treatment is commenced.

If your teeth are already sensitive or your gums bleed when brushing then this needs to be treated before beginning any whitening treatments. If you have even small holes in your teeth or old leaking fillings than it is very likely you will experience significant pain from whitening treatment if these are not fixed first.

Teeth that are discoloured from different medications may also respond poorly to some whitening procedures and teeth that are yellow from drinking acidic drinks must be treated very carefully before any whitening treatment is started to prevent long term permanent damage to the remaining tooth structure.

Healthy teeth and gums are necessary prior to any whitening treatment. At your next dental visit ask if your teeth are suitable for whitening so you can have a happy, healthy, bright smile.


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